The new scene of integrated international markets and globalization is taking the businessman to use all opportunities of businesses beyond the borders of its country. Due to dynamism of commercial transactions, the work of the lawyer must come not only with the solutions for conflicts from the companies, but also acting in the preventive area of these conflicts.
The lawyer must be a partner of its customer providing bigger security in the mercantile operations, managing the risks of the commerce and making the company more dynamic and keeping it away from troubles and liabilities.
Considering it, the Zulian Advogados Associados - Zulian Consulting has implemented an International Business Department. This department is in charge of orienting, developing and supplying information for businesspeople and companies to accomplish their international transactions.
Zulian Advogados Associados assists the entrepreneur adapting its commerce to customized deals according to the needs of the company.
We offer:
The office offers professionals with good English and experience in the International area to follow the companies in this global market.
Our attorneys will assist your company in negotiations, procedures of exportation, importation, insurance of merchandises and eventual claim of it, exchange contracts, international financial operations, cultural aspects that might influence the buy-sell relation.
Our mission is to help humans to expand their experiences over the World. Zulian Advogados Associados -Zulian Consulting will always provide the necessary information for the structure, aspects and needs of a international trade, searching the enterprise success with quality, efficiency, and proficiency way.
ZULIAN ADVOGADOS ASSOCIADOS Av. Dr. Campos Sales, nº 532, cjto. 114, Centro Campinas - SP - BRAZIL 13010-080 Phone/Fax: (0xx19) 3235-1768/3237-2525 E-mail: zulianadvogados@zulianadvogados.adv.br
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Zulian Advogados Associados